Skinhead - Official Image


44' & 52' | English & French Versions | HD

Brad Galloway was a white troubled youth without direction, making him a prime target for a neo-Nazi recruiter promising comradeship in a gang of "like-minded" men. The gang represented a place where Brad could find what he wanted most: belonging. For 13 years, Brad climbed the ranks, from skinhead rabble-rouser to Canadian leader for an ultra-violent gang from the USA called Volksfront. Ultimately Brad recognized the destruction caused by the acts of hate and violence at the hands of Volksfront, and managed to break free from the "movement". Skinhead steps back and takes a look at not only Brad’s story, but also the recent rise in the popularity of white-supremacists groups, as well as mounting racial tensions in both Canada and the U.S.

Produced by: 90th Parallel Productions

World excluding Canada (SRC and CBC)